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2024 Sponsors

Sponsorship Levels

Platinum Sponsorship Level

Platinum - $10,000+ Includes:

  1. Mention of your Platinum Level Sponsorship from the Podium

  2. Listing as a Platinum Level Sponsor in the Event Program

  3. Logo on Website, Event Program, and Screen

  4. 6 complimentary VIP Tickets

  5. 2 Complimentary SBF Limited Edition Albums

  6. $200 Merchandise Coupon


Value of Complimentary VIP Tickets, Albums, and Merchandise Coupon = $770

Gold Sponsorship

Gold - $5,000+ Includes:

  1. Mention of your Gold Level Sponsorship from the Podium

  2. Listing as a Gold Level Sponsor in the Event Program

  3. Logo on Website, Event Program, and Screen

  4. 5 Complimentary VIP Tickets

  5. Complimentary SBF Limited Edition Album

  6. $150 Merchandise Coupon


Value of Complimentary VIP Tickets, Album, and Merchandise Coupon = $575

Silver Sponsorship

Silver - $2,500+ Includes:

  1. Listing as a Silver Level Sponsor

  2. Logo on Website, Program, and on Screen

  3. 4 complimentary VIP tickets

  4. Complimentary SBF Limited Edition Album 

  5. $100 Merchandise coupon


Value of Complimentary VIP Tickets, Album, and Merchandise Coupon = $455

Bronze Sponsorship

Bronze - $1,000+ Includes:

  1. Listing as a Bronze Level Sponsor

  2. Logo on Website, Program, and on Screen

  3. 2 complimentary VIP tickets

  4. $50 Merchandise coupon


Value of Complimentary VIP Tickets and Merchandise Coupon = $190


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the Songs of black folk?

Click the link or scan the qr below

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FOR ONLINE Donations


Sponsorship donations for SONGS OF BLACK FOLK 2024 are to be made payable to:

Songs of Black Folk
PO Box 1890
Renton WA  98057

For Donations by Mail

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